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Current influences are enticing people to take actions without thinking things through or taking responsibility for their choices, which could generate some really (ahem) interesting proposals. And since a few of these interesting proposals could be run by you for your approval, it's up to you to determine whether you have a fighting chance of deterring the individual in question from doing something dumb.

Your Birthday

This year, it's both how you do it and who you do it with. So, despite any reservations that you may have - or could come up with, given a half a chance - if someone offers you an opportunity to step out of your normal arena or try something that you've wanted to do forever, seriously consider just saying yes, even if the details aren't organized yet.


Sunday, September 08, 2024
You'll make your point far more credibly if you patiently suggest that another reconsider their approach, and then promptly propose a better one. Despite the goading of Mercury and Pluto, simply waving off somebody's idea isn't the answer - even if their idea is about as clever as using peanut butter in lieu of cement.


Sunday, September 08, 2024
Avoid signing on to set-ups, projects or affiliations that don't excite you just because you don't have anything better to do, or you don't dare aim your sights too high lest you be disappointed. Intellectual Mercury is vexing Pluto, and what seems marginal or slightly boring in the conceptual phase could - once it's actually being implemented - be about as fun as a tracheotomy.


Sunday, September 08, 2024
Should you suspect that someone is being intentionally unhelpful, you're probably not too far off-base. Still, with your fearless leader Mercury sniping at controlling Pluto, this may not be the moment to bring it to their attention...unless you have some inexplicable desire to be pelted with objections, or hear a litany of nonsensical excuses.


Sunday, September 08, 2024
Be alert... If somebody rounds on you demanding "what did you mean by that?!" you may want to resort to "Sorry, frog in my throat! What I was TRYING to say was [innocuous thing here]." Potent and provocative Pluto is sassing Mercury, and the person asking is just waiting for you to repeat yourself so they can pounce on you.


Sunday, September 08, 2024
Even if a business or social proposition came highly recommended: If it doesn't feel right, or is no longer serving its purpose, the Mercury-Pluto irritation suggests that you might want to start prepping an exit strategy in the privacy of your own mind. The key words here, by the way: "privacy of your own mind."


Sunday, September 08, 2024
If a responsibility that seemed perfectly reasonable when you first assumed it is now making you feel like you're carrying a tote bag full of wet bricks - or is otherwise beginning to wear a little thin - wave it goodbye. For real, though: Yes you truly can - and yes, you truly should.


Sunday, September 08, 2024
See where you stand and assess the circumstances before making generalized announcements regarding your thoughts about it. Exercising restraint could potentially minimize the risk of broadcasting statements that, while accurately reflecting your opinion of the moment, could shortly need to be denied, amended, or backpedaled to reflect your new view.


Sunday, September 08, 2024
If you're secretly hoping the earth will stop spinning so that you don't have to show up, don't responding with a promise to be there on time come hell or high water. Mercury and boss Pluto aren't getting along, suggesting that your perception of a situation might change - so build in a little space in case you abruptly decide you'd rather do something else.


Sunday, September 08, 2024
Should you be about to make an offer that entails you doing the Little Red Hen number (growing the wheat, milling the flour, baking the bread) and somebody else gets to proceed directly to eating the toast...hold off until tomorrow. You should have a much better sense of how you really feel by then - and yes, this pertains even if you're positive you want to go for it.


Sunday, September 08, 2024
Focus on the aspects of a setup that function well, or at least have enough gas in their tank to get you to the next rest area. Mercury-Pluto thinks you'll be in a better mood, and get farther along with your endeavor, than you will if you focus on the components that are still in the "your shipment is being delayed, here's a tracking number in the meantime" phase.


Sunday, September 08, 2024
Watch your step. Talkative Mercury is bugging manipulative Pluto, and you could unwittingly be ambling right into the center of a power struggle that - while probably having little or nothing to do with you, your existence, or anything that you recently did or said - is unlikely to be improved by your taking part in it.


Sunday, September 08, 2024
If somebody offers you another go at their emotional bungee jump, does etiquette dictate that you're obliged to plunge into freefall with them, or can you just watch from the bridge? Yes, people love company, but think twice anyway before accompanying someone into their unconscious yo-yo-ing.