AM 1020 | WHDD 91.9 FM | WBSL 91.7 FM | WLHV 88.1 FM


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These planets are fully invested in getting you to the next staging area for your figurative or literal journey, via the most efficient route. So start brainstorming about how best to take advantage of new organizational opportunities that are presenting themselves for your inspection, and (hopefully) selection, even if they represent a departure from the program that you’ve recently spent a fair amount of time developing.

Your Birthday

You couldn’t ask for better post position to expand your range or operation, advance an objective or pursue an opportunity that has long been at the top of your hit parade. So, keep your eye on the prize, your nose to the grindstone, your principles and integrity intact – and steer clear of any acts that could jeopardize the open checkbook policies (and fandom) of those around you.


Sunday, February 09, 2025
With your pioneering ruler Mars allied with organized Saturn, you are likely either going to get a major thumbs-up for your plan for fun and profit, or else it will be shut it down and you'll be escorted back to the drawing board. Whichever side the cosmic coin lands on, be advised: You won't get far with arguing the toss.


Sunday, February 09, 2025
Will it be "there's no place like home," or "off we go, into the wild blue yonder?" Mars and disciplined Saturn invite you to take the long view, think about who you are/what you want/where you’d like to be down the line (Dietician? Dad? Somebody's darlin'?) and what, if anything, you should do to facilitate it.


Sunday, February 09, 2025
With active Mars and practical Saturn on superior terms, your professional and economic prospects are looking increasingly excellent. In fact, your biggest challenge is likely to be deciding which of them will be the most personally and financially profitable, and therefore deserving of your attention. We should all have such problems!


Sunday, February 09, 2025
The next 72 hours could prove fascinating and pivotal, especially if you’re open to the information and invitations to structural reform that will be coming down like "wintry mix" in February. And, it will be especially pivotal if you observe and process the info with any perspective besides the one you typically lean on in such instances.


Sunday, February 09, 2025
What you officially know about the issue or conundrum currently at large doesn’t necessarily incorporate the activities taking place behind the scenes regarding the aforementioned issue or conundrum. Thus, when designing a course of action, avoid relying solely on what you can see with your own two eyes.


Sunday, February 09, 2025
According to the good vibes between Saturn, the planet of smart decisions and Mars, the planet of pep, the people with whom you’re already allied are totally up for advancing your romantic, creative, personal, or professional program. So hopefully you’ve decided what you really want, and are ready to pursue it enthusiastically.


Sunday, February 09, 2025
Right place, right time! The coalition between enterprising Mars and persevering Saturn suggests there is much that can be achieved relative to your financial, business, career, emotional or health (or diet or fitness) goals with you doing nothing more than focusing on – and then using – the resources that are currently at your fingertips.


Sunday, February 09, 2025
Because Mars, the planet of action is partying with Saturn, the planet of structure, ideas to adjust your daily life by changing jobs, partners, residences, locales, professions and so forth will be as omnipresent as heart-shaped boxes of chocolate in February. Some of these may even be of the highly lucrative type, too.


Sunday, February 09, 2025
Now you just have to figure out the best way to capitalize on the new contacts or scenarios that are tobogganing down the hill of your daily life. Happily the fundamental agreement between Mars, the planet of "ready, set, go" and Saturn, the planet of good management will only help your cause.


Sunday, February 09, 2025
Your competent manager Saturn and bold Mars are shaking hands, suggesting that you’ve got some well-positioned contacts who would willingly put their access at your disposal or give you the seasonal box seats you covet, whenever you say the word. So start figuring out who they are, what you’d like them to do for you, and on what timetable.


Sunday, February 09, 2025
Shortly you should have all the facts, and will be well positioned to wrangle those business, economic, and emotional choices that you’ve been climbing the walls about because you haven't been able to decide yet. Moreover, the Saturn-Mars alliance says: Believe it or not, it's actually a blessing that you haven't been able to decide yet.


Sunday, February 09, 2025
Even though patterns are often as comforting as a pacifier is to an infant, there is such a thing as over-familiarity. So, try to look at emerging developments or data from a fresh perspective. This will allow you to be open-minded, see where you can turn a situation to good account, and recognize that any changes are in actuality a blessing.