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You could be so, er, single-minded about achieving your objectives that you decide that nothing else matters, and so what if you tread on some toes, hurt some feelings, people will get over it - and if they don’t, tough luck. NB: While that m.o. is quite popular in feature films (and even made-for-TV ones) it doesn’t always play that well in real life.
Your Birthday
Quite right, no one can stop you from becoming the star that you are, or the swift completion of your appointed rounds. But, they can take exception if you carry on as though you’re entitled to the bulk of the credit while they do the bulk of the labor, and therefore erring on the side of self-deprecation may well grease the wheels of progress.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Trust in your innate ingenuity and your ability to prevail, and then turn your mind to the current issue. The Sun is having its annual get-together with Pluto, the planet of phoenixes rising from the ashes, reminding you of your powers of regeneration, and that if you’ve done it before, you can absolutely do it again.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Sun-Pluto emphasizes professional and social advancement, including who you’re involved with and whether they’re contributing to your program. So if they aren’t (or are having attacks of incompetence), cook up some busy work for them that will keep 'em out of your hair.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
The Sun and regenerative Pluto are doing the tango in the most adventurous, philosophical, and restless part of your chart. So, if you’re in the mood to break with a routine, join a resistance movement, expand your horizons, give a new spiritual practice a whirl, or otherwise shake it up, there's no need to hesitate.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
There's more to life than labor – such as, in no particular order, your creativity, passions, interests, and love life. Therefore, the Sun-Pluto merger is issuing their yearly reminder that you can only spend so much time focusing strictly on material issues, and grinding yourself to a powder to provide for yourself and your loved ones.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
It would not be a stretch to say that a new phase in partnership management is beginning. The hand-holding between Emperor Sun and Pluto, planet of transformation, offers a golden opportunity to drop situations that aren't nourishing your soul – even is breaking with the past is entailed – so they can be replaced with those that do.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
As long as you keep the faith in your talent, creativity, and path – and as long as you keep your eye on the prize – the Sun conjoining regenerative Pluto will both corroborate and reward your belief, commitment, and dedication. Lest it be forgotten: The only ones who fail are the ones who never try.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
The Sun and powerful Pluto are dancing cheek-to-cheek in the most expressive, artistic, dynamic, romantic part of your chart. In case there's any question: Reorganizing your desktop icons or taking your car in for an oil change when you could be pursuing your burning interests and passions simply isn’t an option.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Could you be persuaded to let go of some old routines to make room for new beginnings? Asking on behalf of Sun plus Chief Pluto, whose conjunction suggests you turn family, domestic, or residential affairs to your advantage, or restore them to order. Seriously, even if a boat-rocking is required, now is the moment to take steps.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Seriously think about reorganizing your daily routines and systems so that you’re teamed up with the people that can best help you realize your potential. The Sun linking up with Pluto, planet of deep change, signifies the start of a whole new you – and who you do your life with.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
The Sun and Pluto, planet of evolution, are presenting their annual banquet. On the buffet table: Your creativity, your finances, and a host of new, improved ways for you to live up to your full potential – which you will then be expected to follow up on with all the speed and concentration you can manage.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
If you’ve been waiting for the right climate in which to change careers or locales, take a big step, restructure your personal affairs, start a movement, et al., the time is nigh. The Sun and Pluto, the planet of transition, are conjoining in your adventurous sign - and are playing a rousing version of "The Final Countdown."
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
With all due respect to your daily routine, you gotta be in it to win it. So even though you might feel like you’re better off ensconced on the couch, doomscrolling, instead of accepting the opportunity of a lifetime should it knock on your door, i.e. dream team invitating you to join them for dream situation - don’t.