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If you are graciously and helpfully providing unsolicited guidance (i.e. "program it to post every morning at seven, indexed by topic") do it in your most conciliatory manner. The way that your recommendation is received (i.e. no one smacks shut the lid of the laptop and flounces out of the room saying "why don't you just organize my whole life for me, then?!") will be worth the effort.

Your Birthday

Sure, it'd be super cool if you could control how it all came down. Still, as you go about swiftly completing your appointed rounds: You are likely to discover that being open to alternative avenues and approaches - especially when it comes to creative, commercial and financial endeavors - is likely to be easily as efficient, productive and fun as belting out "My Way" in full voice.


Saturday, July 27, 2024
Give serious thought to the groundwork that will need to be laid to achieve the overall objective. Yep, whether it's working for yourself instead of The Man, relocating to Denmark, running for city council, finding the right professional or personal partner - or just figuring out what you would like to get out of a particular situation.


Saturday, July 27, 2024
Over the next 24-48 hours, try to clarify any positions, bulletins, or comments that could have been misconstrued. If there are any of them out there, you'll know what they are - and, in the spirit of full disclosure: It will be easier to correct the record and redeploy your resources accordingly right now than it will be later in the week.


Saturday, July 27, 2024
Current influences are tempting you to take immediate steps that aren't necessarily going to do anything great for the big-picture objective. So before you, i.e., apply for a lease in a crummy tenement, even though the garden apartment you've been pining for has just hit the market - give some thought to the concept of other people's part in things.


Saturday, July 27, 2024
Coming soon, you should be in a much better position to put some of your ideas for fun and profit into motion or practice. FYI: The theme of the next three-ish weeks will be trying to manage short-term issues and long-term aims coherently, and in certain cases crafting some compromises to bridge any temporary gulfs between them.


Saturday, July 27, 2024
True, the planets aren't doing much to encourage patience - and true, they're only going to become pushier in the coming days. Still, give some thought to the ultimate goal (which, by the way, could easily be some months out) and if you feel overwhelmed by the need to get the immediate issue off your list this very second, ask a friend to tie you to the couch.


Saturday, July 27, 2024
It's true that as a tactic, not getting your hopes up to avoid being let down is an option. However, in this case, consider adopting a different strategy. There's time enough to focus on the "How in the name of Sam Hill am I going to pull this off" component down the line, and right now your energy is best spent thinking big.


Saturday, July 27, 2024
Yes, the spike in self-absorption can be ascribed to the astrology. Therefore, it's probably a good idea to assess whether the person that you're dealing with is typically this much of a navel-gazer before reacting with a thinly veiled "Uh-huh, great, wonderful, I love it, is there any reason why you're unwilling to talk about what's actually important?"


Saturday, July 27, 2024
All signs suggest that you on track for a victory. That said, when making assorted life-changing decisions, remember: While there are indeed situations where taking on additional risk is intelligent, there are situations where it isn't, and your chief assignment right this second is to determine which is which.


Saturday, July 27, 2024
It's entirely possible that you'd do better to wait a couple of days and let things evolve than get into a full-scale contest about who's right, especially given that there can only be one winner. Separately, these planets definitely suggest that you imagine your plan out there in the world, functioning the way that you'd like it.


Saturday, July 27, 2024
Even those people who are usually have the emotional sensitivity of a radial tire are feeling remarkably vulnerable at the moment. Therefore, any steps you can take (or tonal adjustments you can make) to avoid inadvertently tromping on their buttons are sure to benefit you, and assist you in getting what you want.


Saturday, July 27, 2024
All hail your powers of persuasion, likewise your ability to make an unimpeachably logical case for your stance. However, this astrological combination is overweeningly controlling, which could cause even the most well-intended, diplomatically phrased suggestions to sound, well, overweeningly controlling.


Saturday, July 27, 2024
There could be moments when - based on the conflicting info that you're being given - you feel like you're traversing one of those endless staircases in an M.C. Escher drawing. On the other hand, here's likely no real crisis at hand, so your job is to smile blandly, failing to take anything literally, until the forward momentum returns.