AM 1020 | WHDD 91.9 FM | WBSL 91.7 FM | WLHV 88.1 FM


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Given that sass, lip, backchat, or blatant attempts to shift the blame are the last things that you'll want to cope with - especially since, according to your calculations, the other guys are the nincompoops who deserve to be taken to the woodshed - you may feel compelled to respond to their sticks and stones with a few choice comments or names of your own. Ahem ... Nobody wins.

Your Birthday

So what's your bottom line, i.e. what would you like to derive from your current arrangements? Because while being fully being committed to your plan, program, way, method, or scheme is praiseworthy, you'll likely have an easier, more successful time of it if you keep your eye upon the doughnut - rather than scrutinizing the size, depth, profitability, location, and emotional return of the hole.


Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Altercations arising over family, partnership, or professional matters can be ascribed to the bad vibes between the Sun and Pluto, planet of hammering the point home. And, although it may be incredibly tempting, this isn't the moment to come forward with a list of non-negotiable requirements - or make implications about taking your love or money elsewhere if they're not met.


Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Ahem! If you decide to poke a Grizzly bear with a pointed stick (or provoke a dispute) you'll make trouble pretty easily - if it doesn't come looking for you first. Moreover, since the Sun and Pluto are in smackdown mode, once you've gotten into it, getting the other party to backpedal or apologize could require superhuman patience and powers of persuasion.


Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Do your best to exercise restraint. If you go for "Hi, sorry for calling again, but you haven't responded to my texts, please get back to me, thanks" (smiley emoji, praying hands emoji, heart emoji) because you can't last another second without the clarification that you're itching for, you could - inadvertently, but the effect is the same - get yourself into quite a pickle.


Tuesday, October 22, 2024
The Sun and Pluto, planet of non-negotiable ultimatums, are on bad terms. Thus, it may be necessary to gird your loins and take a long, hard look at a domestic, personal, or property matter and decide how you want to handle it - whether this entails kissing it goodbye, renewing your vows, or something in between.


Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Your ruler, the Sun, is clashing with Pluto, planet of power grabs. So, be aware that whether the debate arises over commercial or health issues, the underlying message is clear: If you push somebody to the edge - or they do the same to you - they (or you) are liable to fight back in a way that makes nobody look (or feel) good.


Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Controlling Pluto is in a shoving match with the Sun, which could tempt you to push a financial or creative situation beyond its natural boundary. Also, while it is nice to be shown the love spontaneously...If someone isn't doing it properly, this probably isn't the moment to either take them to task, or suddenly decide they've lost interest in you.


Tuesday, October 22, 2024
With the Sun squirting lighter fluid on the bonfire of Pluto, the planet of transformation, attempting to impose your terms - despite their validity and who promised what to whom - is unlikely to end happily. You can take your horoscope's word for this, or you can try it and see - in which case you might want to have a fire extinguisher on hand.


Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Ahem. Just for today, could you refrain from making declarative statements about what you absolutely won't and can't do? Because frankly, with the Sun on lousy terms with your ruler Pluto, it would be wiser to seek objective guidance than to school the world on how unwilling you are to consider alternative scenarios that might actually be good for your wellbeing.


Tuesday, October 22, 2024
This is not - repeat, not - your moment to dispatch bulletins along the lines of "It's now or never!" "Fish or cut bait!" "If you don't pay up, I'm calling my lawyer!" or similar. Because the Sun is flinging rotten tomatoes at Pluto, the planet of control, it is not outside the realm of possibility that, uh, one's ego is overriding one's common sense.


Tuesday, October 22, 2024
You might think that you've discovered the weak link in another's logic, but...Even if you have, the chances of influencing them to adopt your position is on par with finding a tranche of hundred-dollar bills under your bath mat - because they'll be so busy getting you to see it their way they simply won't brook any argument.


Tuesday, October 22, 2024
As the Sun slaps at Pluto, the planet of "Do it my way or here's your pink slip," try your best to get out (and stay out) of everyone's way. Seriously, ultimatums are apt to be zinging around like foul balls during Little League practice, but if you are deft enough - and you make for the sidelines - you can likely avoid being a target.


Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Indeed, boundaries are a healthy part of a balanced breakfast - and housemates, companions, and colleagues really ought to respect them. However, with the Sun taking a swipe at manipulative Pluto, if you choose this day to enforce your bottom line, they may not react with what you view as socially acceptable, cooperative words.