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Herewith another chance to look at a long-standing issue (the type of which depends on your sign) and take appropriate steps. Eclipse Review: The effects of an eclipse can last anywhere from six to eighteen months. So, whatever's up now is likely not new, and could probably use a little more attention if you do intend to put it to bed for once and for all.
Your Birthday
Ahem. The sooner that you start fresh (and cease wearing your history as a hair shirt!) the happier you'll be with your various relationships. While it is frequently tempting to use the past as a guide, especially in partnership affairs, you're strongly encouraged to insist upon a clean slate with the heartiness and merriment ascribed to Old King Cole calling for his pipe, bowl, and fiddlers three.

Thursday, March 13, 2025
Face the facts and/or assess the feasibility of specific work projects, associations, and responsibilities. This Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse will most likely bring random data to light, and if in the process of evaluating these you conclude that a chapter or phase has drawn to a close, waste no time in deciding to begin another one.

Thursday, March 13, 2025
The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse this morning underscore your passions and aspirations, in addition to exhorting you to turn your dreams into realities. And, if it’s calling for a reappraisal of your goals, suggesting that you divorce your desires from others’ expectations, or encouraging you to move away from certain alliances, it knows of what it speaks.

Thursday, March 13, 2025
Both career and domestic issues could be in the spotlight, courtesy of today’s Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. Management hint: If specific changes in the drill appear to be inevitable, rather than arguing the toss, organize their transfer from the “inventing and creating” committee to the “implementation and operations” team straight away.

Thursday, March 13, 2025
Sometimes it serves to examine the quality of your friendships and your degree of compatibility with your crew. This Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse may invite you to do so, but suggests that you refrain from jumping to conclusions (and decline project any insecurities or ambient anxieties) while conducting this review.

Thursday, March 13, 2025
Financial and business affairs are likely to be the subjects raised by this morning’s Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. So while you are by nature highly generous with your time and material, make sure that others are asking for things they genuinely need ("pleeeeease can I have a pony?!" ) before giving them what they want.

Thursday, March 13, 2025
As ever, the truth will set you free, as will being amenable to breaking with patterns that, for whatever reason, no longer promote personal progress. The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse illuminate those aspects of your life that could use a little reconfiguring, so consider making these adjustments, rather than reverting to your vaunted “strength through adversity” program.

Thursday, March 13, 2025
This Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse emphasize your innermost feelings, wishes, and faith in your future possibilities, and it indicates that a particular phase may be drawing to a close. Also, it could show a situation (or a somebody) as less reliable than you’d hoped, but this is definitely info you’re prefer to possess prior to signing on the dotted line.

Thursday, March 13, 2025
This morning’s Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse shine the light on the viability of certain emotional and commercial ties, and whether these promote (or drain) your resources and wellbeing. And, given that it’s common knowledge that you’ll nurture and facilitate until the cows come home, you’ll likely appreciate the reciprocity reality check.

Thursday, March 13, 2025
If tensions are rising at home or work, it’s this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. Moreover, your perception of an ongoing situation could be about as far apart from a colleague or loved one’s (who, btw, you’d much prefer to have on your side, and who does have some say in the matter) as Naples, Florida is from Naples, Italy.

Thursday, March 13, 2025
Sometimes it actually pays to go blandly about your business, feigning indifference to an outstanding issue that is as noteworthy (or obvious) as a penguin doing Pilates in your parlor. However, sometimes it doesn’t, and this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse is prepared to help you identify, determine, discover, or sort which is which.

Thursday, March 13, 2025
Joint ventures, investments, and collaborations are highlighted by this morning’s Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. Your chief assignment: Avoid assuming (or projecting) that your fundamental honesty (or ability to find and finesse potential conflicts of interest) is shared by clients, board members, colleagues, co-workers, or spousal equivalents, and read the fine print before saying yes.

Thursday, March 13, 2025
Partnership matters may require some attention (and possibly even some restructuring) while you’re still young, at least according to this a.m.’s Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. This pertains to both the personal and professional variety, so the sooner that you get to it (even if you’d prefer to de-grout the kitchen tiles), the happier everybody will be.